Magic Boric Acid Powder


    Formulated to be used in areas alcohol is forbidden.

    Protection Glaze “barrier flux”:

    Magic Boric Acid Powder will protect metals from surface oxidation and fire scale from forming on metals during annealing and soldering operations.

    Can be used in areas where alcohol is forbidden, simply use water. Mix until powder no longer will dissolve and stir to ensure saturation of water is achieved. Then use as usual apply with brush or dip pieces into the solution. Note: Dry time will be longer due to the evaporation reaction rate is slower with water.

    A superior-grade super-fine powder that mixes easily with denatured alcohol to form the best deoxidizing agent on the market. Add Magic Boric Acid Powder to alcohol until it stops dissolving and forms a thin paste. Yields an excellent and inexpensive flux. Dip the entire item into the solution, then dry it with gentle heat from your torch. For best results repeat these steps two or three times before soldering.

  • 11955 - 12 / 16 oz. containers per case


    Used as a glaze or flux:

    Mix with distilled water or if possible denatured alcohol to form a paste. Dip or pour this solution over the piece to protect and light with a flame. The alcohol will be burned off leaving behind the piece.


    When added during the melting of gold and silver it helps to dissolve oxides and other impurities and produces a fluid borate slag that collects on the surface of the molten metal. This slag is periodically removed, by the use of carbon, graphite or clay rod items; soak, then, steam to remove excess black.